Self-Blessing Phrases
“I am Blessed”
PURE MIND – “May My – … Memories – Be Well.”
Childhood, Farm, Public School, Students, Pets, Relatives, Cousins, High School, Girls, Teenage, Cars, Motorcycles, Sex, Work Place, Co-workers
PURE MIND – May My – … – Be Well.
Parts, Actions, Thoughts, Words, Soul, Body, Life, Future, Values, Intentions, Service, Joy, Appreciation, Respect, Trust, Support, Kindness, Wisdom, Family, Friends, Others, World, Mother Earth.
PURE MIND – May My – … Feelings – Be Well.
Fear – Despair – Loneliness – Sadness – Doubt – Misunderstood – Angry – Criticized – Resentful – Defeated – Hopeless – Helpless – Bored – Ignored
Abandoned | Ecstatic | Insecure | Satisfied |
Adequate | Embarrassed | Intimidated | Shocked |
Affectionate | Energetic | Isolated | Shy |
Ambivalent | Excited | Jealous | Silly |
Anxious | Exhausted | Judgmental | Sluggish |
Appreciated | Exhilarated | Lonely | Stunned |
Bad | Fearful | Lovable | Threatened |
Bored | Frantic | Loving | Thwarted |
Comfortable | Frustrated | Miserable | Tired |
Confident | Glad | Misunderstood | Touched |
Creative | Good | Needy | Troubled |
Curious | Grateful | Nervous | Uncertain |
Defeated | Guilty | Optimistic | Uneasy |
Dejected | Happy | Outraged | Uptight |
Dependent | Hostile | Overwhelmed | Violent |
Depressed | Inadequate | Paranoid | Vulnerable |
Desperate | Incompetent | Pleasant | Wonderful |
Determined | Independent | Preoccupied | Worried |
Disappointed | Infatuated | Rejected | |
Discontented | Inferior | Relieved |
Comment: Both body scans felt ok to do but a few hours later on both occasions, a deep heaviness of my body and loneliness descended and lasted for hours I’m nervous about doing them again because of this.
Yes, Patricia I agree.
It seems these are deep emotions. They may be wanting to be Acknowledge, Accepted and Attended to.
I would suggest only scanning/feeling the feet and legs at this point. When loneliness or deep heaviness is noticed. Take a slow mindful walk. Feeling the feet and legs as best you can. Gently repeating the mindful phrases like the examples below.
- Acknowledge, the feeling, example- “There is loneliness”
- Accept, owning the feeling, example- “This is my loneliness”
- Attend, gently to the feeling, example- “May my loneliness be understood”