Anger Healing Practices
HI Ross:
These are the intention statements from today.
Just a reminder that when intention statements, come to me. They come from the field/wisdom of Reiki, Reiki guides, your unconscious (Higher Self).
They come in response to what my hands feel in your energy body and spirit and through clairaudience, I hear the intention statements.
These are not prescription intentions from my ego but rather arise out of the healing moment.
You can still change them as you wish or add Father, or Pure Mind, etc.
But an intention like a directive that we give to our Higher Self who then manifests and does what is needed in the best way for the highest good.
I just wanted to offer this again, so you can relax and work with the pieces that came forward today.
These are the full intentions that came forward.
As was done into today’s session, feel free to work at them in pieces so it can be gentler for you to process.
The first one….
“I release all my emotional attachments — to the anger cord between Andrew and myself, — to the nature and quality of it, and to the origin of it —
AND I restore the right energy flow — to Universal Compassion for us both”
the next one….
“I restore the right energy flow to forgiving myself and Andrew for all the impact of this anger cord.”
Again, work this in smaller pieces so it can be a gentle process.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Have a self compassionate week!
Allowance and Purification
“My fears of wrongdoing.”
The Path of Spiritual Awakening Through Allowance and Purification
The text explores the process of spiritual purification as a means of attaining peace, awakening, and alignment with divine wisdom. One must relinquish personal certainty and ego-based perception to embrace the divine. The essence of this journey is allowing—creating space for divine wisdom to enter and reshape one’s understanding of life, truth, and selfhood.
At the core of this transformation are four essential spiritual principles: Desire, Intention, Allowance, and Surrender. While all are necessary, the text emphasizes that Allowance is the most critical, as it facilitates the process of purification. Spiritual growth requires a willingness to surrender old perceptions, judgments, and attachments in order to make room for new divine understanding. It is an invitation to relinquish control, trust in divine guidance, and allow the Holy Spirit to reshape one’s mind.
The Role of Allowance in Spiritual Awakening
The text explains that everyone who embarks on the spiritual journey already possesses at least some level of Desire—the yearning for healing, awakening, and remembrance. Intention is the conscious decision to align one’s will with divine will, which is described as seeking the good, the holy, and the beautiful. Unlike the ego’s fear-based control, true intention arises from a place of wisdom, guiding one toward surrender rather than resistance.
Yet, Allowance is presented as the greatest of all spiritual keys. It is the practice of surrendering deeply ingrained perceptions, fears, and ego-based beliefs, making space for divine transformation. Allowance requires the recognition of one’s own ignorance and the humble admission that personal understanding is limited. This willingness to be “taught anew” opens the door for divine wisdom to enter, guiding the soul toward remembrance of its true nature.
The text stresses that as one progresses on this path, everything in life—people, events, emotions, and even the weather—serves as a lesson for purification. Challenges and discomfort arise not as obstacles but as opportunities for growth, revealing the areas where healing is needed. The ego resists this purification, clinging to old definitions of love, fear, and judgment. However, true transformation requires allowing these deeply buried illusions to surface so they may be corrected by divine wisdom.
The Process of Purification and Surrender
Purification is described as an essential process that brings to light the illusions, fears, and false beliefs that have been suppressed within the unconscious mind. The text highlights that much of what holds individuals back in their spiritual journey is hidden beyond conscious awareness. Through Allowance, these hidden fears are brought to the surface, enabling healing and transformation.
The role of surrender in this process is compared to the natural unfolding of flower petals. Just as a seed must be nurtured, cultivated, and watered before it blooms, so too must the spiritual seeker practice Allowance, trust, and patience. Surrender cannot be forced; it is the natural culmination of an inner readiness. The process is described as one of deep humility—recognizing that one does not need to control or force outcomes but rather allow divine grace to lead the way.
This purification often involves facing personal discomfort. The text acknowledges that spiritual lessons frequently come in the form of individuals or experiences that trigger deep emotional reactions. These triggers are not obstacles but gifts, revealing areas of unresolved judgment, fear, and ego attachment. Instead of resisting these challenges, the seeker is encouraged to embrace them as opportunities for deeper healing and forgiveness.
The process of purification also leads to extraordinary spiritual gifts. As the mind becomes clearer and more aligned with divine truth, one may experience heightened spiritual awareness, such as clairvoyance, deep intuition, and an expanded sense of connection with all things. However, the text stresses that these gifts are secondary to the true goal—peace.
The Goal: Peace and Christ Consciousness
Peace is described as the ultimate outcome of spiritual purification. Unlike common misconceptions, peace is not mere passivity or avoidance of discomfort. Rather, it is the most powerful and creative state of being. When the mind is fully aligned with divine will, it experiences a freedom that is incomprehensible to those still bound by fear, doubt, and ego.
This state of being is equated with Christ Consciousness—the awakened state in which one no longer reacts to the world from a place of personal judgment but instead serves as an instrument of divine grace. In this state, the individual becomes a vessel through which divine love flows into the world, transforming illusion and fear into truth and peace. The text explains that such a person, though often unnoticed by society, lives with an unshakable inner stillness and clarity, serving only the voice of the Holy Spirit.
The transformation from ego-centered perception to divine awareness is described as a journey with no real distance, for it is simply a shift in perception—a remembrance of what has always been true. The seeker gradually realizes the illusion of past beliefs and, through divine grace, experiences a profound inner shift, often occurring in an instant.
The Importance of Self-Inquiry and Honesty
The text emphasizes that the seeker must be willing to engage in deep self-inquiry, asking hard questions to uncover hidden fears and illusions. These include:
- Where am I deceiving myself?
- Where am I attached to my image in the world?
- Where am I resisting divine guidance out of fear?
- Where am I holding onto judgments and false perceptions?
By honestly confronting these questions, the seeker allows divine correction to take place. The journey does not require searching for love, as love is already present—it only requires removing the illusions that obstruct its presence.
Conclusion: The Power of Grace in Spiritual Awakening
The text concludes by affirming that purification and awakening are ultimately acts of divine grace. While the seeker must cultivate Desire, Intention, and Allowance, the final transformation occurs through divine intervention. Grace, a direct gift from God, purifies the mind, dissolving illusion and revealing the eternal truth of love and peace.
In the end, peace is the perfect goal—not as an escape from responsibility, but as the highest form of responsibility. True peace enables the individual to walk through the world as an agent of divine love, free from fear and illusion. This state of being, aligned with the Will of God, is the fulfillment of the spiritual journey—the remembrance of one’s true nature.
“FATHER, and I are One”