The Way of the Heart
Releasing my Emotional Attachments to People, Experiences, and my Opinions
Look well, then, and ask yourself this: Who do I know in my existence whom I have judged, and locked into a certain box, and I have decided that is all they are?
Allow the names, the images, the faces of those you have judged to come up into consciousness.
Realize, I have judged them. Locking them in a box.
Release them. I have the key to release them and myself.
- Become present. Aware of the sounds and sensations in this present moment.
- Acknowledge and reflect on their name and image.
- Allow the memories of the experiences you have shared with them to come back.
- Feelings, if there are feelings, by all means, let yourself feel them.
- Gaze, upon them in your mind, until you feel that sweetness that dissolves the imprisonment into which you’ve placed them.
For as that imprisonment begins to melt, you will sense and know that your freedom is blossoming.
You cannot take fear into Love. You cannot take judgment into forgiveness.
Give yourself thirty days with the goal to truly go back and, shall we say, mop up any forgiveness or releasing that you need yet to do.
Pages, 154-155