About Kum Nye
Wellness and Wholeness
The key to both our internal integration and a balanced relationship with the world lies within our feelings and sensations. We can nurture and heal both our bodies and minds by touching our feelings deeply and expanding the flowing rhythms they bring to us, for they are linked to the energy of the universe itself. This energy can stimulate itself internally to sustain and nurture us in our daily lives, recycling residues of blocked emotional patterns and making us alive and well: we are in balance.
Kum Nye Yoga
Nye (mNye) means massage in the sense of interaction; it refers to stimulating feeling which can refine, recreate, and regenerate all of the patterns of the living organism. With Nye our energy constantly refreshes itself.
About Tibetan Yoga
Wellness and Wholeness
Kum Nye yoga is a gentle healing system, which relieves stress, transforms negative patterns, and helps us to be balanced and healthy. It increases our enjoyment and appreciation of life. Kum Nye yoga heals both our bodies and minds, bringing their energies together to function smoothly and harmoniously. Because it leads to integration of body and mind in all our activities, this form of Tibetan yoga has a vital and lasting quality. With an ongoing foundation of inner wellness we are also able to be better of help to others. Kum Nye yoga balances, integrates and energises the whole of our being, inviting a sense of wholeness and calm within ourselves and in relationship to others and our environment.
The Art of Balance
The key to both our internal integration and a balanced relationship with the world lies within our feelings and sensations. We can nurture and heal both our bodies and minds by touching our feelings deeply and expanding the flowing rhythms they bring to us, for they are linked to the energy of the universe itself. This energy can stimulate itself internally to sustain and nurture us in our daily lives, recycling residues of blocked emotional patterns and making us alive and well: we are in balance.
Kum Nye Yoga
Kum (sKu) refers to the body, not the physical, but rather our embodiment. It encompasses all aspects of our being. Kum refers to our presence in space.
Nye (mNye) means massage in the sense of interaction; it refers to stimulating feeling which can refine, recreate, and regenerate all of the patterns of the living organism. With Nye our energy constantly refreshes itself.
Yoga refers to ‘integration’; with Kum Nye yoga the energies of body, mind, senses, breath, and heart become integrated and we will experience wellness and wholeness. In Kum Nye Yoga there are various ways, both stillness and movement, postures and breathing methods, to stimulate the flow of feeling and energy that integrates body and mind. Through Kum Nye yoga we are rebuilding the inner architecture of our subtle body energy system (or the ‘inner architecture of our being’).
Our feelings and our bodies are like water flowing into water. We learn to swim within the energies of the senses.
The practice of Kum Nye integrates feelings directly with the body, instead of channeling them through the mind. Our feelings and our bodies are like water flowing into water. First we ‘float’ in feelings of openness, gentle love and joy, relaxing and letting the feelings themselves buoy us up; later there is a lifting feeling of complete confidence. As we become used to contacting these feelings and the currents of energy they produce, we learn to swim within the energies of the senses. A feeling of unity and wholeness arises … thoughts, senses, mind, and consciousness join in a kind of inner alchemy. When Kum Nye massage is done daily for at least six weeks, these feelings become more and more tangible, occurring not only during practice, but throughout the day.
This internal ‘swimming’ or massage melts accumulated tension, releasing the energy which has been frozen at a subtle level by our fixed attitudes and concepts. The released energy flows into feeling experience, which then fills every cell in the body. Our bodies become less solid, more fluid and open, more ku than lu. As we live and work closer to the energy of feeling and experience, thoughts and feelings merge into one; feelings no longer need to be accompanied by mental commentary. Direct experience is far more substantial and grounded than that channeled through thoughts and imaginings. We grow in awareness.
The immediacy of experience is lost when we allow the minds to grasp at the feelings. So when you begin Kum Nye massage, let go of preconceptions or associations you may have. Thoughts as well as concepts move on a surface layer; as much as you can, go by degrees to a deeper level, the level of experience. Explore each feeling fully. Encourage feelings of joy. Imagine you are in paradise; bring in positive memories, perhaps of beautiful fields, trees, streams, or mountains. Let the feelings express themselves. Happiness is a feeling within your organism that you can stimulate and develop by giving each feeling more flavor, and feeling it as much as you can. Expand each feeling through your senses and thoughts. Thoughts cannot catch you, for you are beyond ego and self-image.
When you continue to deepen and expand a feeling, you will find different feeling-tones that can be explored further. Once you move inside a feeling, it will expand in an inner massage. At first a feeling will bring to mind various images. At a deeper level, the feeling will be deeply nurturing, without images. Finally, you become the feeling, and there is no longer any experiencer or ‘I’. Then you are deepening openness, satisfaction, and completion. your whole body participates i: relationship develops between
Massage means interaction. When you massage yourself you are not affecting only one place on your body;
1 the massage. A reciprocal your hand and the muscle point that the hand massages, generating feelings that stimulate interactions throughout the body. Interaction also occurs between physical and nonphysical levels of existence, and this interaction stimulates certain energies that, not restricted to the body’s boundaries, spread to the surrounding world.
When you develop self-massage, you will discover many kinds of sensations and feelings. Kum Nye massage is oriented toward pressure points that stimulate specific energies. You may find that pressure on some places has an immediate effect; pressure on other places may not affect you noticeably in the beginning. Touching particular spots may restore memories or past negativities. As you rub and release pains and knots in your physical body, you may also release mental and emotional blockages.
Muscular patterns related to old injuries may melt down into pure feeling or experience. Pressing certain points may release loving, joyful feelings which open your heart, merging body and mind into one. As your body becomes more fluid and open, you may even discover a time when there is no special purpose to the massage—it ls not oriented toward ego or self. Without preparation or §°al it just spontaneously happens, is instantly there.
Once the shape of your tension melts down, only feeling or experience is left. Do not label or identify the nature of the feeling, but simply allow it to continue to melt until it flows completely into itself, filling each center, cell, and sense organ with pure energy and experience, like water flowing to the deepest root of a beautiful rose.
Ordinary conceptions. When you press a certain body point, no part of the body and in fact no part of the universe, need be excluded. Everything can become part of the massage. From a cosmological point of view, absolutely everything participates in the cosmos, and we and the universe are integrated. Our body is a vessel filled and surrounded by space. When we touch our substance, we stimulate ourselves and the universe simultaneously. Our whole body exercises in space.
Source- Kum Nye – Tibetan Yoga