The obstacles you are likely to encounter in this process of dialoguing with your High Self in the Silence come from your fears and harmful basic assumptions. The kahuna compared these to knots in a cord that prevented the free flow of energy along the cord. These knotty problems can originate from a variety of sources: from childhood, from a past trauma, from your training or education, and even from past lives. They encompass everything from embarrassing incidences to mindless terrors.
They often take the form of faulty basic assumptions and severely limiting beliefs. Everyone has been exposed to these obstacle-creating experiences in their lives. Huna offers techniques to begin to undo the knots and release them.
As with every Huna practice, you start off simply and advance to the more complex. One way to begin eliminating blocks is to make amends and seek forgiveness for all the hurt you have ever done in your life. Sit down and make a list of all the people you have hurt in the past. If they are still alive, ask their forgiveness in person or in a letter. If appropriate, make amends on the material level with a gift or some form of recompense. If the persons have passed on, go into the Silence and ask for forgiveness in ritual fashion, then make a gift of goods or money to a relevant charity in their names. For example, many people feel guilty for something they did or did not do for one or both of their parents while they were alive. Go into the Silence and ask the parent’s forgiveness. The next day, give a donation to the parent’s favorite charity in his or her name.
A forgiveness dialogue might go like this: “My dear one, I don’t know all the pain and hurt you experienced that involved me, but I know that I sincerely regret it. I did not have the awareness I have now. Today, in the presence of the Basic Self and High Self and my guides, angels, and guardians, I ask for forgiveness and to make amends. I am truly sorry for your hurt and the ways in which I participated in it, and I sincerely ask your forgiveness. I am letting go of all my guilt and shame that I had because of this hurt to you. Let us both ascend to a place of light and walk our paths in peace. Let us both be released. So be it. It is done.”
Spend time with this and do it with sincerity and a heartfelt desire to receive forgiveness for what you have done. Ask forgiveness of each person one at a time, in separate sessions (perhaps on succeeding nights) until you have asked and received forgiveness from all of those you believe you have hurt. At the end, do a general ritual in which you ask forgiveness of all the people you have ever hurt in your life, including yourself, by thought, word, or deed, both known and unknown to you, throughout all time. Ask that you all be released from the hurt and the guilt and ascend to a place of light.
The next step is to make a list of all the people who have hurt you. Write out a description of the hurts that caused you pain in the past and the people associated with them. See if you can understand what was really going on. How were they mirroring you and vice versa? Did you contribute to being hurt? See the hurt in perspective. Then, if possible, contact the person and forgive them face to face, by telephone, or in a letter. If this is not possible, do the ritual at home for each individual.
Go into the Silence, with a picture of the person nearby if possible. Imagine them sitting there with you. Ask both the Basic Self and the High Self to be present, as well as your guides, angels, and guardians. Explain to the person, as though they were sitting beside you, about the hurt you suffered, and address them in this way: “My dear one, you will probably never know all of the pain and hurt I suffered that involved you. You did not have this teaching, and we are all learning and evolving. With this awareness, and in the presence of the Basic Self and the High Self, and my guides, angels, and guardians, I fully and sincerely forgive you for my hurt and suffering. I acknowledge my feelings of anger and resentment and release these emotions to the universe to be transmuted to a higher vibration. I truly forgive you. We are now at peace. Let us ascend to a place of light. So be it. It is done.”
As with those you have hurt, do a general ritual for all of those who have hurt you, by thought, word, or deed, both known and unknown to you, throughout all time. Ask that you all ascend to a place of light and be released.
In doing these rituals, it may be necessary to go beyond individuals and forgive whole races of people for hurts to you or by you. For example, if you are Jewish, you may want to forgive all Germans; if Native American or African-American, all white people. If you feel guilty about the wrongs done to a group of people by your own group (even if you personally did not participate in the wrongs), you may want to ritually ask forgiveness of the entire group. Group guilt and group victimhood can cause your Basic Self to feel unworthy and ashamed. Hurts and hatred can go back a long way and be part of your lineage and even your cellular makeup. But even these can be released.
Know that when you are asking for forgiveness and forgiving others, you are not erasing the past or your memories of it. What you are erasing is your Basic Self’s load of negativity, which can only cause you harm and dysfunction. Stored anger, hatred, shame, and guilt rankle in the soul and become toxic. No matter what the acts of the past were or how badly they affected you, the only health-giving way is to sincerely forgive, be forgiven, and move on.