What upsets my peace?
Use your ordinary experience, then, in each day to observe what pushes your buttons. And if you will stay with it, it will reveal to you the energies that are in need of your forgiveness. As you go through your day, observe when you feel:
Are you in contraction?
Is the breath very shallow?
Are the muscles of the body tight?
Does your voice become faster or louder?
When you speak about some energy in someone else?
That is a sign that you need to heal within yourself.
When you recognize that these kinds of signs are going on – in other words, life has presented you with an opportunity to be disturbed – that is a sign that there is something that requires healing. So therefore, count it a blessing if you feel disturbed.
Turn your awareness from what you think is causing the disturbance and remember the first axiom, I am the source of my experience:
- Acknowledge, I am feeling disturbed.
- What is it in me that needs to be healed?
- Begin to breathe deeply with the body and rhythmically.
- Let the body soften and relax, and ask:
- What is it within this person’s energy that is really pushing my button?
- And you will see it right away:
- Oh, they’re so critical! Criticism pushes my buttons.
- Where have I been critical of others?
- And it might hit you right away:
- “Well, I’m being critical because they’re critical.”
- Or memories will come back, distasteful memories, if you’re judging them.
- Let them come back. Continue to breathe and relax.
- Look upon that energy of being critical. Honor it.
- Love it. For it is a creation.
- It is your creations coming back to you, that you might embrace them and transform them.
- And in that example, just stay with it. Look at it: “Ah! Being critical.
- Yes, I can sure be critical. I’ve been that way in the past.
- I know that energy very well.”
You may not really see how deeply and profoundly it will affect you, as you go on being a creator – and you go on forever. And you could never possibly know what fruits will be born from that tree in the life of another. But because all minds are joined, when you choose healing, through forgiveness, you literally create the space in which the other can also heal their life.
Let no moment, then, be wasted. See nothing as ordinary. And see not the perceptions taught to you of the world be justified within yourself. But be you wholly committed to rooting up and out of your beingness anything that is unlike the Love of Christ. Think not that I am the only one that can love this way – it is not true. You are here to love as I learned to love. Why? Because you are that Love. And everything else is just a smoke screen.
Forgiveness is necessary. Forgiveness is a skill and an art that will pay you dividend upon dividend upon dividend upon dividend. It will never cease in paying you. Each moment in which you choose forgiveness, you have literally saved yourself a thousand years of suffering! And I mean that about as literally as one can mean it. In short, every act of forgiveness is a miracle that shortens the need for experience in this dimension.
And when you find yourself in a situation that you believe is too big, rest assured, it is because something big has finally come to the surface to be healed within you, so that more power can shine forth through you, because you’ve reached the place where you’re ready for it. More of Christ can be lived.
TWH-L-03 pages 38-40
Use your ordinary experience, then, in each day to observe what pushes your buttons. And if you will stay with it – and in just a moment we will give you a very simple technique for doing so – if you can stay with it, it will reveal to you the energies that are in need of your forgiveness.
The technique is quite simple. As you go through your day, observe when you feel:
Are you in contraction?
Is the breath very shallow?
Are the muscles of the body tight?
Does your voice become faster or louder when you speak about some energy in someone else?
That is a sign that you need to heal within yourself.
When you recognize that these kinds of signs are going on – in other words, life has presented you with an opportunity to be disturbed – that is a sign that there is something that requires healing. So therefore, count it a blessing if you feel disturbed.
Turn your awareness from what you think is causing the disturbance and remember the first axiom:
- I am the source of my experience. I’m feeling disturbed.
- What is it in me that needs to be healed?
- Begin to breathe deeply with the body and rhythmically. Let the body soften and relax, and ask:
- What is it within this person’s energy that is really pushing my button? And you will see it right away:
- Oh, they’re so critical! Criticism pushes my buttons.
- Where have I been critical of others?
And it might hit you right away: “Well, I’m being critical because they’re critical.”
Or memories will come back, distasteful memories, if you’re judging them. Let them come back. Continue to breathe and relax. Look upon that energy of being critical. Honor it. Love it. For it is a creation. It is your creations coming back to you, that you might embrace them and transform them. And in that example, just stay with it. Look at it: “Ah! Being critical. Yes, I can sure be critical. I’ve been that way in the past. I know that energy very well.”
Because my energy was different, it created the space in which that soul could make a new choice. And that soul saw suddenly the entirety of its experience and realized that if it allowed that mallet to fall upon the nail, it would be a decision to choose to continue being nothing more than a doormat for other people’s perceptions. And in that very instant, that soul decided to follow a path that would lead to Sovereign Mastery, and never again to be a pawn of any government, or any group, or any faction or anyone. He dropped the mallet from his hand – this was a Roman soldier – stood up and walked away and disappeared.
That one has gone on to become a Master that is known by literally thousands of beings. He is not in physical form. This one visits many, teaches many. This one, indeed, incarnated Perfect Mastery and, therefore, transcended the world. And it all began as the result of my desire to teach only Love. And now, we have a very good friendship.
So, you see, you may not know how powerful your choice for healing is. You may not really see how deeply and profoundly it will affect you, as you go on being a creator – and you go on forever. And you could never possibly know what fruits will be born from that tree in the life of another. But because all minds are joined, when you choose healing, through forgiveness, you literally create the space in which the other can also heal their life.
Let no moment, then, be wasted. See nothing as ordinary. And see not the perceptions taught to you of the world be justified within yourself. But be you wholly committed to rooting up and out of your beingness anything that is unlike the Love of Christ. Think not that I am the only one that can love this way – it is not true. You are here to love as I learned to love. Why? Because you are that Love. And everything else is just a smoke screen.
Forgiveness is necessary. Forgiveness is a skill and an art that will pay you dividend upon dividend upon dividend upon dividend. It will never cease in paying you. Each moment in which you choose forgiveness, you have literally saved yourself a thousand years of suffering! And I mean that about as literally as one can mean it. In short, every act of forgiveness is a miracle that shortens the need for experience in this dimension.
And when you find yourself in a situation that you believe is too big, rest assured, it is because something big has finally come to the surface to be healed within you, so that more power can shine forth through you, because you’ve reached the place where you’re ready for it. More of Christ can be lived.
Because my energy was different, it created the space in which that soul could make a new choice. And that soul saw suddenly the entirety of its experience and realized that if it allowed that mallet to fall upon the nail, it would be a decision to choose to continue being nothing more than a doormat for other people’s perceptions. And in that very instant, that soul decided to follow a path that would lead to Sovereign Mastery, and never again to be a pawn of any government, or any group, or any faction or anyone. He dropped the mallet from his hand – this was a Roman soldier – stood up and walked away and disappeared.
That one has gone on to become a Master that is known by literally thousands of beings. He is not in physical form. This one visits many, teaches many. This one, indeed, incarnated Perfect Mastery and, therefore, transcended the world. And it all began as the result of my desire to teach only Love. And now, we have a very good friendship.
So you see, you may not know how powerful your choice for healing is. You may not really see how deeply and profoundly it will affect you, as you go on being a creator – and you go on forever. And you could never possibly know what fruits will be born from that tree in the life of another. But because all minds are joined, when you choose healing, through forgiveness, you literally create the space in which the other can also heal their life.
Let no moment, then, be wasted. See nothing as ordinary. And see not the perceptions taught to you of the world be justified within yourself. But be you wholly committed to rooting up and out of your beingness anything that is unlike the Love of Christ. Think not that I am the only one that can love this way – it is not true. You are here to love as I learned to love. Why? Because you are that Love. And everything else is just a smoke screen.
Forgiveness is necessary. Forgiveness is a skill and an art that will pay you dividend upon dividend upon dividend upon dividend. It will never cease in paying you. Each moment in which you choose forgiveness, you have literally saved yourself a thousand years of suffering! And I mean that about as literally as one can mean it. In short, every act of forgiveness is a miracle that shortens the need for experience in this dimension.
And when you find yourself in a situation that you believe is too big, rest assured, it is because something big has finally come to the surface to be healed within you, so that more power can shine forth through you, because you’ve reached the place where you’re ready for it. More of Christ can be lived.
TWH-L-03 pages 38-40