The Art of Psychic Reiki
Your Energy Body
Unresolved trauma is the main culprit when it comes to a chronically damaged aura, but unhealthy living habits contribute as well.
Most of us have poor energy habits, just as we often have poor eating habits, but taking regular care of the energy system is a good energy habit to develop. When you’re first learning to manage your aura, daily meditation and visualization are key. Since our auras respond easily to our thoughts and intentions, visualizing and meditating are very effective ways to change your aura.
Sit comfortably with your feet on the ground and your arms and legs uncrossed. You can sit cross-legged if you like, but it’s easier to ground when the bottoms of our feet are on the ground. Get your spine as upright as you can.
Begin with a deep breath. Imagine that you are breathing light in the top of your head. Fill your heart and your belly with that light. On the exhale breath, release energy down your spine, down your legs, and into the ground through the bottoms of your feet. You can imagine that you are releasing all that you are holding on to on that exhale. Release all your own emotions and all the emotions and energy that you have picked up from other people, too. Release everything down into the ground with the exhale. (Don’t worry, the earth knows how to compost this energy.) Do this sequence a few times until you feel like you are clear and grounded.
Now, concentrate on the outer edge of your energy field. Since our auras respond very well to our imagination and visualization, you can imagine, pretend, or visual this. Once you have visualized the outer edge of your energy field, you can make it more solid, like an eggshell or a crystal ball. Shine it up.
Then, program the outer edge of your energy field to only let in positive and supportive energy. It should be semipermeable, like the membrane of a cell. Non-supportive energy stays on the other side and nothing crosses this boundary without your permission.
Take another final inhale breath to add as much light to your aura as you can and exhale again, releasing any extra energy down your legs and into the ground.
Do this entire exercise as many times as you need to throughout the day.
Our daily habits either support or hurt our auras, and it will probably not surprise you that the same habits that support our physical and mental health also support our energetic health. The following are some of the things that can weaken our auras:
- Unresolved physical or emotional trauma
- Poor diet
- No exercise
- Drugs and alcohol
- Poor sleep
- Stress and worry
- EMF radiation (electromagnetic fields from TVs, microwaves, computers, cell phones, X-rays)
- Unhealthy relationships or too much isolation
- Hating your job or any important aspect of your life
- Clutter and mess in your environment
- Anger and resentment
- Victim attitude and blaming others
The following are some of the things that can strengthen our auras:
- Healthy diet
- Physical exercise
- Sufficient resting and sleeping
- Positive thinking
- Breathing deeply from the belly
- Spending time outside
- A spiritual practice that includes prayer and meditation
- Physical spiritual practices like yoga, tai chi, and qigong
- A clean, clutter-free environment
- Handling your emotions as they come up
- Healing body work (like Reiki and massage)
- Doing emotional healing work like therapy
- Choosing a life that you love
It’s easy to see what makes the aura healthy and what damages it. Genuine ways of taking care of ourselves also support the aura. Shadow comforts and addictions weaken the aura. If you feel truly good about what you’re doing, it’s probably good for the aura. If you feel guilty, yucky, or conflicted about something you’re doing, it’s probably damaging your aura.
When the aura is weak, especially the boundary layer, it can have a profoundly negative impact on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. When your aura is damaged, you’ll be:
- Depleted and exhausted
- Depressed and anxious
- Prone to illness
Drugs, alcohol, and a poor diet are among the worst offenders, as is trauma of any kind. It’s very important to clear up any lingering trauma by going to therapy and working with healers. Reiki is a big help here. On top of that, you can do specific practices, including the guided meditations and energy-management exercises that we will learn later in this book. Check out the link on the New Harbinger website for access to a guided audio meditation that is designed specifically to keep your entire energy field healthy and strong.
All the electrical energy that we have in our world is tough on our energy field. Fluorescent lights, TV, video games, computers, microwaves, cell phones, and other Wi-Fi-enabled devices are all big culprits. That’s why you start feeling yucky if you spend all day in front of the TV or a computer. Going shopping or to the mall is tough on the aura as well, since it’s the perfect storm of being in crowds, sensory stimuli, and electromagnetic energy, all of which tax the aura. If you are especially empathic or psychically sensitive, crowds, stimuli, and electromagnetic energy will fray your aura particularly fast. Nature, gentle movement, and fresh air are good energy antidotes.
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