“I release all my emotional attachments to …”
I release all my emotional attachments to the emotional cords associated with despair.
I release all my emotional attachments to over-identifying with my despair.
I release all my emotional attachments to my anger associated with my despair.
I release all my emotional attachments to my addiction to despair.
I release all my aversions and resistances to letting go of my self-identity with despair.
I release all my emotional attachments to the curse of my despair as my life-purpose.
I release all my aversions and resistances to letting this curse go.
Strong & Gentle
I release all my emotional attachments to being the target (of women) and while on the table….
I release all my emotional attachments to the rage present/trapped in my TMJ for women for all the wrongdoing against me
I release all my emotional attachments to my sense of self bound up in this rage.
I restore the right energy flow and balance to appropriately developing and evolving my inner child to becoming a strong and gentle man.
There will be more to follow with this last statement. This then led to the conversation of deer as teacher in this.
FATHER! I release all my emotional attachments to anger.
I release all my emotional beliefs that support this …
Steve Wells
“Attachment to my thoughts causes suffering.”
I release my emotional attachments to past hurts and what I took from them.
I release my Emotional Attachments to This or That.
I release my Emotional Attachments to Comparisons.
I release my Emotional Attachments to not good enough / un-worthy.
Judgments / Self-Criticism:
Apply intention to my thoughts/feelings “Shoulds.”
Apply intention to my Doubts, Projections and “What if’s.”
Apply intention to my negative beliefs about myself.
What I/they should be doing / What I/they should not be doing.
What I/they should / What I/they should not have done.
What should / should not be happening.
What should / should not have happened.
What should / should happen in the future.
Waring Thoughts:
Just notice them – How much am I affected by them
I release my emotional attachments, believing and acting out on my thoughts
I restore right energy flow to any affected areas inside/outside my body.
What feelings should I not be feeling?
What feelings do I find difficult?
What feelings would I rather not have?
Make peace with my feeling by releasing all emotional attachments.
Then restore the right emotional (peace) and energetic energy flow.