A Full and Open Heart
Do I know how to love someone completely and wholly and accept them for who they are?
The Heart-Downloads
I know the Creator’s definition of what it feels like to respect myself.
I know what it feels like to respect my family and others.
I know what it feels like to respect Theta-Work.
I know the definition of what it feels like to be sweet.
I understand what it feels like to be loved.
I know what a mother’s love feels like.
I know what a father’s love feels like.
I know what a child’s love feels like.
I know what it feels like to live my day-to-day life without despair and sorrow.
I understand what it feels like to communicate with others.
I know what it feels like to be important enough to communicate my thoughts easily and effortlessly with others.
I know how, when and that it is possible to communicate.
I know that it is possible to live my life without being selfish and self-centered.
I know what it feels like to live my life caring about others.
I know what it feels like to still care about myself.
I know what it feels like to take in the breath of life.
I know how to deal with confrontations.
I know how to interact with others.
I know how to live without fighting for my right to be.
I know how to say no.
I know how to live without people taking advantage of me.
I know how to honor my boundaries and those of others.
I know what it feels like to learn easily and effortlessly.
I know how to confront someone in the highest and best way.
I know how to be aware of other people’s feelings.
The Tone from the Heart-The Heart Song
This process is to release sorrow and anger from all levels through a tone from the heart. One of the most divine attributes that we possess as humans is the spoken word. But one of best ways we express this is in the aspect of song. The heart song exercise is designed to release sorrow and anger from the past to the present with a tone that comes from the heart, released in a continuous song through a tone recreated by the voice. Each organ has its own song that it sings and we can release negative influences from each organ by singing the sad song using our voice.
To do this, you must go up out of your space and make the command that sorrow is released from your heart. Only the voice of the client is able to release the sorrow and pain from the heart. The practitioner cannot release it for them and can only assist the client by encouraging them to create the tone.
This process is directly connected to the collective consciousness of humankind. When this process is done, we release the suffering of all humanity on a universal level. Many of the people that do this exercise will connect to the universal tone that releases anger, hatred and sorrow on a universal world level.
When our essence comes into this existence, the soul carries three molecules with it. These three molecules that are connected to the soul go with it everywhere it goes.
One in the pineal gland that releases emotions and physical Programs.
One is in the heart that releases old sorrow and anger.
One is in the base of the spine.
This process activates the molecule in the heart to release sorrow.
The Heart Song
- Center yourself in your heart and visualize going down into Mother Earth, All That Is.
- Visualize bringing up the energy through your feet, opening each chakra. In a beautiful ball of light, go out to the Universe.
- Go beyond the Universe, past the white lights, past the dark light, past the white light, past the jelly-like substance that is the Laws, into a pearly iridescent white light, into the Seventh Plane of Existence.
- Make the command; “Creator of All That Is, I command sorrow be released from the heart through a tone from my voice. Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.”
- Imagine that you are going down deep into your heart. Listen to the sad song your heart sings. Let the tone come out in your voice in soft, even tones. Yelling and screaming does not release this energy. As you listen to the sound that the heart sings, listen to all the resentments and frustrations with war, famine, hatred and anger that are locked in the heart. Let the sound that is locked in the heart come out of your mouth in the tone that is released.
- The practitioner should encourage the client to let the tone come out of their mouth and to continue until all the negative aspects are released from the heart. Now move the tone to every part of the body, releasing all trauma from the body.
- As soon as the process is finished, rinse yourself off and put yourself back into your space. Go into the Earth, pull the earth energy up through all your chakras to your crown chakra and make an Energy Break.
The way to tell that the process has finished is that the client feels finished. They will feel as though they have released all the built-up sorrow and anger from the heart.
This process can be done more than once if the Client needs to release more in layers from the heart. If the client does not feel comfortable releasing, tell them that they can use the process when they are alone, perhaps as they relax in a hot tub of water.
This process is capable of creating amazing healing properties for the body. Download the feeling and the knowing of “Everything I have experienced matters,” “This time I can wake them up,” and “I can wake others up to their divine selves.”
Heart Attacks-Intuitive Remedy
Heart attacks always relate to not receiving love. People with heart problems are snappy and unaware that they are cross to other people. If someone has had bypass surgery, it is typical for them to be short tempered. After a heart attack, the person is supposed to live with less of the heart’s pumping capacity. This condition can cause people to create Programs relating to the people around them. The heart cells live as long as the body functions and they do not regenerate unless (I believe) you use theta work to re-create them.
Command the veins and arteries to clear and resume blood flow. Command the heart to beat until the right rhythm is restored and give it energy from the Creator. Use stem cells to rebuild the heart.
Heart Attack-Downloads
I understand the Creator’s definition of what it feels like to be nurtured.
I have the Creator’s definition of how to nurture myself.
I understand how to be loved.
I understand how to accept love.
I understand how to have joy.
I understand what joy feels like.
I know what it feels like to live without giving up who I am in order to be in a relationship.
I know what it feels like to live without having to give up my identity in order to be in a relationship.
I know how to love someone completely and wholly.
I know how to give love.
I know how to deal with confrontation in the highest and best way.
I live without fearing life.
Source- Theta Healing, Disease and Disorder, pages 82-84